Susi Childers

   Susi Childers is a voice, a photographer, an advocate, a traveller, a mother, an adventurer, an activist.
   Born and raised in Germany, married to a Paul from New Zealand, working for Youth With A Mission (YWAM), and living in Hawaii has given her an international perspective of current challenges of our world.
She seeks to raise awareness on social justice issues, loves to touch the lost and needy, and fights to see lives rebuilt and revived by using her camera. Over the years she has been able to multiply her vision of using the arts to complete the Great Commission in many lives in many countries around the world.
   Although a mother of three she never stops living a life full of adventure and challenges in order to see lives transformed.

Philip Lin

   Philip Lin seeks to bring people into deeper understanding of God’s heart so their lives will never be the same.
With his finance background, Philip’s creativity blossoms through bringing creative dreams into practical influential projects. He led multiple Discipleship Training Schools (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Kona Hawaii, training students to know God’s heart and then communicate it with the world.  He is also a part of the YWAM Kona Campus Leadership Team.
   Growing up both in Taipei, Taiwan and Houston, Texas, he fell in love with the beauty and diversity expressed through the different cultures. Now, he is always fascinated when he encounters a new culture.
   Since Philip was 14, he had a heart for the nation of China. He wants the Chinese people to experience God’s love. So, he married Lily Wang, from China, as the beginning of sharing this love.

Lily Lin

   Lily Wang desires to show people around the world their beauty and empower them to live out their true value.
   As a photographer, she traveled with a group of friends to 30 different countries within 18 months to discover and document the gems in the cultures and people groups. They published the photo book, Broken – A Call To Restore The House Of Humanity, to restore value to broken families around the world.
   When she’s not behind the camera, you can find her memorizing the gospel stories and sharing them with others. She spent 3 months in a Word By Heart school and memorized the whole gospel of Mark.
Lily is from China and is now happily married to Philip Lin.

Abby Beard

   Abby Beard is passionate about using the giftings that God has given her in the areas of design and photography to release the stories that are on God’s heart to the world. She desires not to tell stories for the sake of the story, but to dignify the people and makean impact in their lives. She wants to be a catalyst for people all over the world to come to know Jesus and have their lives transformed by Him. 

Igor Milhomens

Igor Milhomens